

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yet to be determined....

So as I sat in bed last night wondering what it would be like to start blogging again; I realized a lot has changed in The Land of Blog.

There's all these different types...

Food Blog--I'm a baker but hardly a master chef.  My meals consist of the same 8-10 dishes over and over and over.

Political Blog---let's NOT even go there. I have very few friends and I'd like to keep the few I have.

Sports Blog- I'm a big sports fan...however, blogging about the lament of being a Bears Fan for the last 30 years?  Not exactly at the top  of my list.

Animal Blog---I love my beagle.  We call her Beagle.  She gets into everything, digs, barks, steals pizza off a plate if you aren't looking. She hilarious.  She's a major PITA but she's ours and she's obnoxiously cute, which I presume has kept her alive most of her life. :)

Mommy Blog--NOW this I am.  Through and through. However, I do not have 4 kids under the age of 8.  I'm not a stay at home Mom.  I'm not a homeschooler.  I'm not an all organic, no food dye advocate.  I'm just a Mom.  A Mom of a 21 year old away at school for the first time this school year and a sweet and precious 8 year old that keeps me on my toes.

I work out of the home (and I hate that I have to clarify that at all---MOMS WORK REGARDLESS).  I AM fortunate enough to not have a 13 hour day with commute time.  I work so close to home I could go home for a lunch hour if I needed to.  I have a stressful, fast paced job that keeps me guessing about how the world works pretty much

One child is an athlete and one is a dancer and the fact that they are the salt and pepper of my life makes ME one lucky Mama.

I guess if I had to put my blog into a category..if would fall under the Mom blogs.  I'm sure I'll blog plenty about the shenanigans of my life as a Mom.

What I'd really like to do is start my own "I have no idea what I want to say, I'm a funny, unfiltered South Suburb Chicago girl with very little boundaries and I like to tell stories--so deal with my sarcasm and rambling" category. That's ME!  That's the perfect fit.

I see all these e-cards or rotten cards on Facebook etc...and I think these are all sayings I have used at one time or another.

I had a friend that joked when I was married a few years:

Friend "Oh still married?"
Me: "Why yes we are, I haven't smothered him in his sleep or poisoned his dinner just yet"

That's an ecard now.

I've always said "I do not sugar coat shit.  It's still shit"

There's one that floats around about "Just because you put sugar on shit doesn't make it a brownie".

I say things like "Good Gravy" & "Craptacular".  I also quote a lot of movies.

I think this comes from having very little money growing up.  My Mom and I watched movies a lot to entertain the kids.  $20 used to buy 2 frozen pizzas and 3 movies back in the 80s.  WEEKEND PLANS!

Then I was a single Mom and the same thing rang true. 

My husband calls me the "Rain Woman" of celebrities.

He's got some saying  he'll use all the time "This woman knows that a woman was the on the 3rd season, episode 12 of ER and she tripped over a crub 2 minutes before the show ended."  He thinks it's hilarious that I can recognize faces like that.

But that's me...

I'm just a person with a great sense of humor, a realistic view on life, a family--that has always put the fun in dysFUNctional, a home, a MILLION responsiblities, a minivan with over 100,000 miles on it, a full time job, 2 hilarious kids and fat Beagle that snores.

If that qualifies me under the Mom be it.

I think however, after a few weeks of blogging, the other "Moms" are going to want to kick me out of the cool group.

Stay tuned.

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