

Monday, December 7, 2015

Most Wonderful Time of the Year?????

There are days I question this description. 

Days when I'm stressed about where to put the Elf on the Shelf; days when I can't figure out how I am going to finish purchasing gifts let ALONE wrap them; bake, take my daughter to see some type of lights display; watch all the favorite holiday shows and still go to bed at a decent hour.

Every other year my immune system decides to go on strike and I usually have the nastiest head cold of "20xx" (insert random year here).

Yet still I forge on with a 1/2 happy heart. Attempting to make Christmas everything magical for my family especially the ever growing 10 year old.

I've developed strength in the last 2 years, perspective, persistence and a new attitude courtesy of Elsa and Anna that makes me feel like Sybil.

One minute I'm all zen and "Screw that, let that shit go and do your own thing---no one will notice if you don't bake 10 dozen sugar cookies this year or even spell names correctly on the gift tags" feeling 10 feet tall and bullet proof when I say it like I LEGIT have my shit together...

30 seconds later---I'm a crying mess of a Mom creating 17 pinterest boards, scheduling no more than 2 hours of sleep for every night from now til December 26th so I can bake, cook, craft, wrap and basically be Suzy Q Holiday Snowflake even though---I get zero joy out of it plus the hell head cold from burning the candle at both ends.

So this year 2015---is the year I take my mental health and well being back.

As of today:

I have already contacted another Mom to ask if she's doing a teacher collection
--cash donation --Check

I have scheduled Zoo Light Night with one of my best friends and her family

I have semi-decided on a day for ice skating and lights (which both my kids adore)

I have a day for my son and I to watch our annual Holiday Movie

I have made my "baking" list and taken it down from 10 varieties to possibly 3
--People love my banana bread --Check

I have found out that my family moved up Christmas to accommodate us all being in the same state
--Awesome and not--gotta be ready a week earlier but now a low key Christmas Eve--check

I have decided gift bags are my friend
--Simple as shit--check

My holidays this year will be about our traditions.  Not about what I bake, or how many parties we attend or what the presents looked like--or even what they are.  I won't worry about place settings or napkin designs or any of that stuff---truth be told I do not care if we eat pizza from the box as long as my family is together.

This year it will be about my family, my friends and my moments that I KNOW I can't get back. 

So this year...will be the most wonderful time of the year because I choose hope and joy.

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