Besides the fact that this is hurtful…it’s very untrue.
I’ve been living my WW lifestyle for over 2 years and have
lost over 60lbs. Is it goal? No it’s not
but for me it’s a win. We talk about our
“why” at Weight Watchers—why you started, why you keep going and my WHY for my
lifestyle hasn’t changed much in the last 2 years.
The WHY I never went back to college has changed over the
See my freshman year of high school in speech we had to give
one on “what we wanted to be when we grew up” and my teacher said I could NOT
give a speech about being a Mom. She was
adamant. My Mother argued with her as well..and finally my teacher said “if you
want to care for children then pick a day care employee because you HAVE to do
an interview” (Ok fine….so I walked across the parking lot of school to the
Kindercare and interviewed someone) and I gave the damn speech.
What I learned from that speech was probably more valuable
than anything….Motherhood was important to me.
Whether it be because I didn’t always have a great childhood, product of
divorce, awesome Grandma that looked out for me…the “shining” moments with my
own Mother---(you know the memories that seem forever built up WAY more than
the way they actually happened) or just plain “I was born to be a Mom” genetics…I just knew someday I would be one.
I also knew that when I became one I needed to be a good one
and NOT in the June Cleaver kind of way.
It was the 90s and I was a single Mom.
Without my “village” my son’s childhood would have been one they make
movies about now…poor and a statistic.
The point is I had help…many of us do from extended family. But I was
him Mom….did I make mistakes? OH MY GOD you bet your ass I did---but I have
always kept the lines of communication open so that he felt heard, respected
and an active participant in his life.
His vs. mine---much different just by dynamics I’m the
oldest of 4, he was an “only” for nearly 12 years. He was my WHY for a few years—even though as
a single Mom I probably could have gotten grants to go back—I didn’t have a
passion to go learn anything enough to want to be away from him, to miss baseball
games, to miss time watching movies, playing legos. I just felt like I was gone 12 hours a day
commuting to downtown Chicago how could I put him in MORE daycare and spend
half my weekends doing homework for classes I didn’t really want to take?
Then I met my husband…and once we got married---finances and
“daycare” would have been better and he asked me “would you like to go back to
school” and AGAIN my WHY for not going was “I don’t know what I would go and
get a degree in”
A short time after we got married we got pregnant with our
first and my WHY shifted again to 12 hours days in the city and being away from
my little girl….I just couldn’t do it.
NOTHING seemed more important than that.
I know, I know “getting my degree would give me a better job
giving them a better life financially” but the truth was----I didn’t know what
I wanted to do so as a frugal, practical person spending thousands a year didn’t
seem logical to me. (Trust me if I had
this undying passion to go into marketing, communications, accounting—I would
have done it) but my only thought process was to be a good Mom.
I still failed at this about 50% of the time because I’m
fucking human.
Yep that’s right---human.
Even us super Moms are human.
So once again my why---changes—because before I know it my
SON is getting his degree and well finances being what they are in 2012-2016
uh---no way 2 of us can afford to go to college…(again NOT that I have some
burning passion to get there)
Now he’s done, he’s moved to another state and you think “Is
now a good time?” but now you’re 43 and your whole outlook on life has changed…now
it should be about finances---I have a good JOB—I do not have a career---I haven’t
built one---I’ve had JOBS and for me—that’s a win. But I have no degree and if I look to
relocate finding GOOD jobs that will take you without a degree is not always
easy---so do I get one for good measure? DO I know what I want to do? I
initially way back in my teens thought about being a psychologist---do I go
back to be a counselor? Maybe. Then I remember thinking about Casey in the NICU
and how much those nurses changed my life—“hmmmm maybe nursing school” I have
toyed with the idea…I even registered at the junior college to get started and
then put it off this January because to be honest---it’s finances again. It’s low self-esteem (and not in the “I’m
afraid I’ll fail” kind of way but more in a “if life happens and I have to take
a semester off I don’t want to be the bitter Mom because I put myself on the
back burner again”) I don’t want to be THAT Mom. That Mom that feels like she missed out on
something because of her kids or her husband or her family.
I have and ALWAYS will continue to put them first. It’s how
I am built…and to be honest some days there is a mix of “I’m terrified it’ll be
too much and I’ll turn into Godzilla at home and my daughter will hate me and
my husband will grow distant” and TRUTHFULLY my WHY is not strong enough to
take that chance.
Is my degree so important that I need to take my family
through what would be a crazy 4 -5 year roller coaster?
To me—it is not.
We often see in media things about 80 yr olds finishing
marathons or getting their degrees…and we celebrate them.
So if I choose to put it off until it means as much to me as what I already
DO---then I know it’ll be time to go. The practicality of it is—we eventually
want to move out Illinois and relocate and starting at the bottom at a new job
scares me—but without my degree that’s probably what will happen. My answer to that is—I made a CHOICE a long
time ago to put my family first and I have lived with that decision without
regret ever since.
There are super Moms---and I mean it I raise my
have babies, you work, you finish your masters, you go back to school, you work
, you travel---HELL my sister is one of them..she’s a fucking rock star…my other
sister has 2 kids AND a degree AND a career …I’m proud of them both beyond
I can handle a LOT---what I can’t handle is regret…and MY
situation is unique to me…my kids aren’t little…and even when my youngest
was---my oldest wasn’t…so my “windows” of opportunity were much smaller and I
personally don’t like tight spaces.
So to that person….that said these things about me..
I still soldier on everyday—I talk to my 24 year old no less
than 3-4 times a week about stuff in his life. Things that are going on, he
calls for advice, he calls for laughs, he calls when he got a GREAT deal at the Ross store because Mama taught him to be practical (this one was pretty recent and equally impressive) he calls for “Mama Love” because
sometimes a boy just needs his Mama.. J
I text and chat with his girlfriend. I am very much a part of their lives even
grown and on his is a foundation I wanted to build--- for some day I will
have grandchildren.
My 11 year old…well for her I am “PRESENT” and I do mean
PRESENT in her life..I’m not distracted by a class or homework or worrying how
I am going to split myself in 2 places at once.
It was a decision Jeff and I made when we got married—he got the career
and although I have never been a stay at home Mom I have had jobs that are
always replaceable because I need to raise my family.
The hardest part is this---this is person that is supposed
to love me regardless of my choices---it’s not as though I have turned out the
bad seed, right?
I think I am a pretty good person…imperfect, flawed, baggage
carrying, emotional , stubborn hot mess of a good person.
I have tons of educators in my family that value education and learning and think it’s important…I do too…but for me---I still
want to be JUST a Mom for right now…I know someday that won’t be enough…I still
want to start school this summer just to see if the “learning “ bug does bite
hard and I realize there is something else I want to learn with passion. If it does--my WHY will change again, and that's ok.
I guess I’d like to go back to the beginning and have this
person say “your choices are your choices and I’m proud of you no matter what”
but clearly that is not going to happen.
It’s a hurt I’ll deal with in time.
But to the “Angie never finishes anything she start”
I apologize for being such a disappointment in your life.
I chose Motherhood
I CHOOSE Motherhood
I am still a Mother---despite my oldest being “grown”
I am still an involved Mother- day in and day out
Despite being 44 I have not reverted back to my 20s and become carefree as if my family doesn't still need things from me. They may not NEED me the way they once did--but we all still need each other.
“Angie never finishes anything she starts”
I didn’t realize parenthood ever stopped?
I choose them with no regrets.